While much attention in the media has rightly focused on the theft of credit card information at large retail operations such as Target and Micheals, other security breaches have been underreported. …
Agbogbloshie – A Toxic E-Wasteland
Often times I find that clients prefer to buy new computers rather than pay for costly repairs on old, broken computers. And who could blame them? When you consider the low cost of buying a new …
Cyber Monday Warnings and Tips
By this point everyone knows of Cyber Monday; the first Monday after the long Thanksgiving weekend in which retailers advertise huge discounts to online shoppers. This round of shopping is designed …
Stupid Tech Moments in Cinema
Sometimes, I'll be watching a movie, and I can't help but notice the technology that is featured in the film. I'm not talking about revolutionary CGI effects, distracting Apple product placement, or …
Avoiding Online Scams
In this crazy technology-enabled world we live in today, scammers, theives, and otherwise unscrupulous folks have never had more tools at their disposal for stealing your data, your identity, and your …